Jesse's Place
Friday, September 28, 2018
Look what came in the mail today! Inventory for Prince Publishing! For your Author signed copy, send $25.00 to the email address: at paypal. Send the payment as a friend because you are my friend to avoid any additional fee's. The price covers shipping within the USA. Be sure to include the address you want your copy of the book sent to. Pricing for shipping outside of the US available on request.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
US Army Documentary Film
Here is a link to a documentary film from 1946 that may shed some light on the subject of L Ron's discovery of "Dianetics":
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Happy New Year!
This is just a quick note of explanation for a notice about a new documentary about Scientology and separated families by a major production company is real. It's not a Miss Cabbage "Special Operation" The notice is real clearly states what they are looking for. There are more situations that may apply than I could ever individually handle and I am not employed by them. I know how abused and afraid ex- Scientologist can be especially those newly out.
This projects offers an opportunity for someone who is separated from family and friends a way to reconnect and not submit to Miss Cabbage drakonian and juvenile "church" penalties. Here is a way to stand up with some support behind you.
In 2015 we saw the dark side of Miss Cabbage,Tom Cruise and Scientology put out there raw for the world to see. The Scientology response is silence through signed contracts.
It is very difficult to speak truth to power alone and there is no reason for that now.
Contact Gabriel, she's a very nice person and easy to talk to. Verify what you must with her but be ready to move forward out of the shadow of Scientology. Here is her approved message:
"A highly-respected A/V team, putting together a new documentary series, is seeking survivors of Scientology—or families containing current members—to tell their story to help educate and protect the general public. They may also provide help with reconnecting with loved ones still in the CoS, or provide other support as needed. Part of their objectives are to use their own resources to help restore communication between family members or friends, if possible—obviously no one can make finite promises re specific outcomes. If you would like to be considered for participation in this docu-series or utilizing such a platform to tell your story, please contact gabrielleazieden@
Don't be afraid, contact her now.
Jesse Prince
Friday, November 7, 2014
The Future is Here and I'm Feeling Good.
It’s been a while since I've written to my many
friends with an update of my recovery and progress. Come November, 2014, I’ll
be celebrating my three year anniversary of being cancer free! Those that know
my situation remember I was in rough shape for nearly two years. For these last
few years I have been recovering from the damage the disease and the chemo
caused to my body. I received all of my cancer treatment at John H. Stroger
County hospital in Chicago, IL.
In 2012, I moved from Chicago to a small town in
central Illinois to take advantage of an excellent cancer care facility they
had there. My condition continued to be monitored by doctors as I began the
long process of physical rehabilitation. When I began the physical rehabilitation
I walked with the use of a cane. I also sported a neck brace to hold my head
up. Through the months I began to heal and no longer needed a cane or any other
hardware to stand or walk.This whole ordeal with getting cancer and then
fighting for my life were no part of my plans for living! As most of you may
recall, prior to my illness I had come out of hibernation from a long break
concerning the work I had done in the past to help expose the true nature of
Scientology in its many and various forms.
I started this blog in March of 2011, and used it as
a vehicle to inform and communicate with others who were interested in finding
out more about the subject of Scientology and the people involved with it. Back then the big news was all about Marty Rathbun
and Mike Rinder. Both were top executives in Scientology and both had control
over the Scientology Office of Special Affairs, which in effect was a “Hit
Squad” for dead L Ron. Marty was the more vocal between the two and he had his own Blog going. I was happy for
Marty and Mike for getting themselves out of the cult but their activities that
followed were disturbing to some people. For a while there Marty had set
himself up as the new Scientology Standard Tech Guru and he was going to show
everyone how things are suppose to be done in auditing. For some reason this
had a profound effect on my attitude and I started writing about it.
I went on to write about and expose information of
Scientology’s bag of crooks they call Office of Special Affairs (OSA). I wrote
specific information concerning criminal activities perpetrated by Marty and
Mike while they managed OSA. It really bothered me that seemingly, they had
escaped the cult only to then turn around and financially and mentally exploit
others who were leaving the cult. Marty was offering his version of Scientology
auditing and training that he figured was the way dead L Ron intended it.
I wrote extensively about my involvement in legal
cases against the various Scientology mock religious institutions. I also
explained what happened to the Lisa McPherson trust and what happened with Bob
Minton and Stacy Brooks. The information provided on this Blog was well
received. To date I have had over 40 thousand page views. I haven’t posted
anything on my Blog since 2013 even so last month I had just over 1000 page
Anyway, before I got ill, I promised to write about
the last four years of now dead L Ron’s life but because of my illness I was unable
to. I was forced to concentrate exclusively on my health in order to survive. As a result many people have been waiting for
me to finish ever since.
I remember being at the 2010 Scientology Symposium
conference in Hamburg, Germany when the question was posed by people who
identified themselves as Anonymous. They wanted to know how should they to
accept and work with these two high powered defectors when they were still
loyal to L Ron. I opined to the members
of Anonymous that it would be wise to give Marty and Mike a little more time to
sort their heads out before challenging them too hard. I correctly predicted
that it would only take a couple of years before Marty and Mike would wake up
and realize the true danger to society Scientology really is. I can’t tell you
how good it made me feel recently; when I heard that Marty wrote his Blog was
no longer a cult promotion site! Both Marty and Mike have honestly opened
themselves up and are purging the poison that is Scientology out of their
hearts and minds. God knows I had to get through that as have many others
before me. The purging of the contamination from Scientology takes time and a
willingness to honestly get through the mental and physical effects from
decades of believing in; fighting for the lies and false information inherent
in every aspect of Scientology, in its entire legion forms.
During my recovery and rehabilitation, I used the
time to dig deeper into the subject of L Ron and his machinations Dianetics and
Scientology. In late 1998, after I got
together with Bob Minton and Stacy; I began to read the forbidden books about
Scientology. I started with a book by Steve Hassan titled; “Releasing The
Bonds.” The truth is that book scared the hell out of me and I couldn't read it
without experiencing extreme anxiety; which I choose to hide so I could deal
with it later, privately.
I had attempted to read other books critical of
Scientology, but more often than not this always ended in a frustrating mess. I
don’t know the words to use to easily describe the physical and mental revulsion
I would suffer trying to read these books. The information was so contrary to
everything I had studied and aligned myself with for the previous decade or so.
Mental health professionals have a term they used to describe what I was going
through called Cognitive Dissonance. This was the first time I’d been
introduced to anything that seemed to diagnose my condition. Here is a decent link that describes and
explains what Cognitive Dissonance is:
The truth is by today’s and yesterdays standards; I,
along with many others were willing slaves for dead L Ron and his ideals from
1976-1992. I had no idea this was the case as it was happening either. I honestly believed in L Ron’s new Technology;
accepted it as a new Science of the human mind. I spent over a decade studying
and training to apply the Tech as L Ron instructed. I went on to use that
Technology on other people and I watched them get better or heard them say they
were better. I made the Tech work for years and trained others to use the Tech.
The amount of material I had studied over the years seemed official if only
because of the volume of the material alone. The training was arduous and each
training level has its own certification. I had trained and completed
internships for each of my classifications starting before zero classification.
I became trained and fully certified to Class 9 Auditor and Case Supervisor.
Just to put this in prospective for the uninitiated who choose to forgo all of
the brainwashing, followed by a severe case of misplaced devotion. To this day, there are only 3 levels above
class 9 classification. I was a believer
with conviction and purpose to the precious Scientology Tech and I believed the
Tech could help people. I spent a few years at the Mecca for Scientology
Technology (The Flag Land Base). There, I would train and intern others from
around the globe. My reputation for getting results with the tech preceded me
in Scientology heaven. I was selected
and offered to dead L Ron as the new Tech Terminator in 1982. However, that is
not the history I am trying to tell right now.
My point is this; I was so full of the poison that is Scientology that
it took me 6 years to even speak the subject after I finally departed 31 Oct,
Analytically, I’d come to accept the fact that most of what I was taught and
held dear in Scientology was bullshit and served no purpose; plain and simple. This
part is not about why I renounced L Ron’s devilish
ass; excuse me, I meant to say why I renounced Scientology. That is another
subject that will be fully written about soon. I hadn't predicted, so was
completely blind-sided by the physical and subconscious reactions I would
experience when I would act contrary to my altruistic devotion to Scientology as a member at
the top of its leadership pile. Early
on, I would break out in Hives, experience a panic attack, or otherwise become
extremely uncomfortable and agitated without obvious cause or reason when I
would be near a Scientology building or if I read material critical of
Scientology. This was back in 1998 and 1999 and is not the situation today.
To my
benefit I was introduced to Margaret Singer; a clinical psychologist and anti
cultist by Lawrence Wollershiem. I appeared as an expert witness in Lawrence’s
legal case against various Scientology entities. Contrary to my Scientology indoctrination,
I had many personal conversations with the late doctor Singer. As a human, age
and health wise, she was towards the end of her road when I came into her life.
She complained of feeling weak often and she knew her time was short. Margaret
was fascinated by talking with me, I guess because I was still so odd and
available to her thanks to Bob Minton. Cell phones were new and very expensive
to use back in 1998/1999. I used my phone to talk with Margaret often. She let
me challenge what she thought she knew and I opened up to her. I learned to
appreciate the wisdom Margaret was able to share with me. I felt like she was a
mother type to me. She made me feel safe as I continued to gather my mind and
my life after Scientology. I had her private number and I would call her when I
needed to. How often? As I said it was expensive to talk on a cell phone back
then and I remember sometimes paying over $1,000 a month for my cell phone
service. She really helped me. Only now do I realize back then how I was not able
to read information critical of Scientology.
Margaret took the time and verbally talked me through my issues like a
mom would do with a child. I got better and life continued.
It’s not like I was at a resort taking my time
to recovering while dealing with my “Cognitive Dissonance.” Hell no; all the while I had to make
appearances in multiple court cases as a Scientology Expert and be endlessly
deposed by Scientology lawyers. Looking back on it now, that had to be one of the
easiest job I ever had in my life and I enjoyed doing it. All I had to do is
stop lying for Scientology. The alternative was too easy to do, just tell the
truth! Sometimes people get caught up in lies they have told because they can’t
remember what the lie was, what they actually remember is the truth. Sorry for
going on here my, point is this; it is difficult to do a 180 degree turn around
in your thinking and be sane after undergoing years of false indoctrination. I hear about and appreciate Mike and Marty for
having the courage to publicly purge themselves of Scientology lies and
secrets. Doing that is nowhere near as easy as it should be.
Back to
more recent times; by 2012, I had made good progress with my physical recovery.
I was able to walk over a mile at a time. I was doing rehab in a huge warm swimming pool
at the local YMCA. I stayed in that small town for as long as I could. It didn't take long before I began to realize I didn't belong where I was. So where
should I go? Irony, in 1976, I lived in this same small town when I relocated to
California. In June of 2014, history did repeat….some cosmic reset button got
pushed and now I live here in Los Angeles again!
Here in LA, my options
for physical therapy went from coach to first class. Without going there, I can
just say I’m fine.
While getting myself situated here in LA, to pass
time I went back and read the books that I tried to read before but was unable
to. I took my time and read “A Piece of Blue Sky” for the third time by John
Attack. That book is my all time
favorite as far as being the easiest to read. I've had all versions of that
book at my disposal at various times. I also read a thesis from professor and author
Huge B. Urban concerning the satanic roots of Scientology. Huge also wrote a
book titled “The Church of Scientology, A History of A New Religion” which I
found informative; enjoyed reading it. There are some boring parts but it’s
worth digging through for the diamonds in the content of his work. I also for
the first time seriously read the book “Bare-Faced Messiah” The True Story of L
Ron Hubbard. Because I was aware of some of the legal and intelligence based projects being
employed to prevent the book’s publication.
Reading it without the distraction of any Cognitive Dissonance was good
and not just for me either. My partner told me Marty Rathbun had written
something on his blog about his early experiences with the Russell Miller book.
Both Jon Attacks book; “A Piece of Blue Sky” and Russell Millers “Bare-Faced Messiah
is excellently verified and well documented works. Both are a must read for anyone attempting to
understand the true early beginning of Dianetics and Scientology.
I began to recall being on the other side of the
fence when Gerry Armstrong had to defend himself against Scientology style
black ops for years. Scientology sued
Jerry for absconding with 22 banker boxes of personal documents and artifacts
of L Ron Hubbard. I’m not trying to retell the story of Jerry Armstrong here
but ultimately, Scientology paid Jerry a settlement of $800.000 in exchange for
his promise not to copy or discloses the content of the banker boxes he’d taken.
What the hell was in those boxes? It’s a fascinating, well documented cock up
of what happened when author Omar Garrison and his research assistant Gerry Armstrong verified L Ron’s actual
education and military record history among other subjects. In a nutshell, too much of the
information they were able to factually verify of L Ron’s past was contemptuously
contrary to the yarn L Ron spun for his devout adherents and any other ear that
could hear. Gerry Armstrong went on to violate his agreement with Scientology
hundreds of times and is still perused by Scientology’s attach dog legal
machine. I know something about this because I was present and informed about
Jerry’s legal troubles with Scientology as they was happening. I recall being present when the conditions of
the settlement agreement between Gerry Armstrong and Scientology (Which in
effect included whatever was best for Author Services Inc, ASI) was negotiated.
From 1983 until the settlement in 1986, I would
receive on a daily basis, usually sometime between 6-8 pm, intelligence reports generated by staff of Special Project
Operations (ASI), OSA and RTC concerning secret and illegal operations by Scientology
against Jerry, his lawyer Michael Flynn, and other plaintiffs represented by
Michael Flynn’s firm. The operations
against Jerry’s lawyer included having knowledge of someone putting water in
the gas tank of an airplane piloted by Michael Flynn with his son on board.
There was instant access into the lives of people who were deemed enemy’s
Scientology through well paid and placed private investigators. These professionals sold their services to their
Scientology paymasters because they had the latest modern bugging technology
that was confirmed US CIA grade technology. Scientology was able to buy the
services of ex-police, ex-FBI and other agency. Phone records were a fruitful
source of information. Through illegally obtaining phone records Scientology
always seemed to be a step ahead of their perceived enemies. ASI lead attorney was Earle Cooley. A big part
of his job as legal council was to made sure we rode a fine line to separate
church principles from the illegal activities sanctioned by the same principles.
There were years of board room meeting at ASI to
figure out how to get rid of Jerry Armstrong, L Ron junior, David Mayo and a
few other people who had devoted their lives in servitude to L Ron and his grand
ideas. All of these devoted people turned out to be Suppressive Persons all
along according to the instructions from L Ron via his publishing organization
ASI. It was new management’s job to hunt them down and get them put in jail.
Some may recall during the early to mid 1980’s L Ron got a bug up his ass and
thought he had the power to have people criminally prosecuted for disobeying or
being out of step with what he wanted. This is way past just having a stick up
your ass, he really wanted this done and some people did get set up and went to
jail. It was required protocol to hate
and contribute to the destruction of men and women that I had never met or laid
eyes on. We would be sitting in the board room at L Ron’s Author Services
organization reading advice's from L Ron calling for the heads of staff he felt
offended him somehow. Listening to Miscavige and other staff figuring out ever
clever ways to get rid of the people who were aggravating poor L Ron. As we sat
there making up plans to attach the very same people who were at L Ron’s side
doing everything in their power to do his will. L Ron never wavered when it
came to annihilating the oldest and closest devote adherents he had. There is
no retirement in the business of Scientology. Ron taught his prodigy to quickly
and quietly get rid of the most loyal staff members without remorse.
There were banker boxes full of “advises” from L Ron
spewing hate filled vitriol about Jerry. The information that Jerry provided to
Russell Miller and Jon Attack about L Ron’s actual history did in fact exposed
his underbelly and pulled back the curtains on his imaginary life he expected
others to believe.
During the negotiations to settle with Jerry
Armstrong the settlement was intentionally construed to make it too easy for
anyone to claim Jerry had violated his agreement with Scientology. Those who
were present knew this settlement, that still plagues Jerry today was not done
in good faith. The actual intent of the settlement was to cause Jerry to be
incarcerated for violation of his settlement agreement and that is exactly what
has happened. The other factor is this; Jerry didn't want to take any of
Scientology’s money and he didn't want to settle. He was in effect forced to
settle by his own lawyer Michael Flynn. Michael Flynn and his whole family had
been hounded by Scientology hired thugs and they were tired of it. Flynn was
also the attorney of record for other ex-Scientologist in a civil class action
lawsuit….you get the idea. We had them right where we wanted. Each person
received a settlement but Jerry was the only hold out. We even knew about the
deteriorating relationship between Jerry Armstrong and lawyer Michael Flynn
because we were the ones causing the confusion. In the end Jerry was forced to
settle or be attached by his own attorney who wanted out and had been working
on contingency anyway. There are standard legal agreements a plaintiff makes
with a lawyer who takes on a case on contingency. The rule and agreement that
comes into play is the plaintiff will agree to settle the case if there a
reasonable offer on the table. Jerry was obligated to accept the settlement.
Someone can say that better than me but you get the idea, Jerry was forced to
settle, then he was set up to violate the settlement whereby Scientology would
recover its money times three and if possible get him arrested and put in jail.
After years of acting like I hated people I’d never
met or seen with my eyes like Jerry Armstrong took some getting use to. Getting
Jerry had been en grained in my mind. Even after being out of the cult for some
years. I remember the first time I talked with Jerry years after I had left the
cult. On a physical level I felt uncomfortable being around him or even
engaging in personal or meaningful conversation. On a certain level I was
afraid of Jerry and this made no sense. None of that changed the facts of how
all of this made me feel emotionally. In L Ron’s alternative reality, it was
considered a flaw to openly show or express emotion or empathy. We were all
just ever replaceable characters in L Ron’s movie. Suffice to say I didn't foster
or encourage a speaking relationship with Jerry because I didn't want to. The
problem is this is how Scientology technology is designed to protect itself in
the minds of its own.
Long before I testified in a court of law as an
expert witness, Jerry had already been there doing that, the same as I would do
later. The real truth is when I met Jerry I had not entirely overcome the
misconceptions and false information I’d learned about him through the years. I
was dismissive of Jerry and didn't fully appreciate, let alone realize the personal sacrifice and contribution he made when he exposed L Ron for being the
lying ass clown he was.
It was only after reading the Russell Miller book
with fresh eyes that I finally better understanding and more fully appreciated the
work Jerry did. Since I've read the
books again with fresh eyes so much has changed. I know I was Jerry when I woke
up from the spell and stopped lying for and protecting Scientology. That meant
it was my turn to be persecuted by juvenile intelligence tactics, endlessly
financed on behalf of dead L Ron. These days both Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder
are Jerry too! No one owes or is obligated to me for anything and ultimately it
may not matter what I think but I will say this. I don’t monitor Scientology
activities anymore like I use to. That being said, It sure does make me smile
when someone sends me something about Mike Rinder speaking out. He’s even been
known to refer to Scientology as a cult. This is the guy who was the public
face of Scientology for years! My heart
goes out to him and his new family. These days Mike doesn’t mince words when
tells people about Scientology, what a turnaround bless him. Marty Rathbun is
probably the most knowledgeable person in existence when it comes to how
Scientology plays ball in a law suit. From what I can tell he and his wife are
progressing excellently with their lawsuit against Scientology, you have my
blessing for that.
Now here is the finale subject of this message right
here. Hate to keep bringing this up or saying anything about it but here I go.
It wasn't until June of 2011 when I was finally
diagnosed with non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer and it had progressed to stage 4.
In a matter of days I was completely incapacitated and couldn't stand on my
feet. Sometime, during the first few
days of being admitted, I had a strange death experience, which I've written
about before so I won’t elaborate on it again now. The effects of that time of
my life stay with me on a daily basis.
When I went into the hospital, I think I told Tory
about it and she informed my friends and family on the internet. At some point
people held candlelight vigils for me and there was a lot of focused attention
on me specifically to get better. In the beginning it was so horrible with the
chemo and other drugs I had to take. My body felt like it was being turned
inside out. There was a new energy present for me during those times that I
came to recognize and get comfort from. Then I was able to sit in a chair and
operate my computer for maybe 10 minutes for the day, I would see all of these
messages from people that I knew and many of whom I didn't know all wishing me
well. I can’t tell you how wonderful that would make me feel to know I was
loved and people were sending me prayers and well wishes. Some days it seemed
like I would feel the love. The energy from that went on for weeks and months.
That in no small measure had everything to do with my recovery. I have now had
3 different Oncologist from 3 different cities, LA being the latest, tell me
that my recovery is a miracle. When the first Oncologist said this to me I told
her I thought it was because she recommended the right prescription for the
chemo that got me well. She told me in most cases cancer can be successfully
treated by identifying the person’s DNA and matching that to an existing treatment.
My doctor told me there was no specific treatment based on my DNA. She confided
in me later that because there was not chemical DNA match for my condition this
lowered my chances of survival given I was already in stage 4. My Dr. told me
plainly that it was not her who kept me alive. She said she thought I had a
special friend in heaven looking out for me. She said it was not because of
anything she had done. I took that as her way of being modest and thanked her
all the same with flowers and a nice card.
My next Dr. in Decatur, Illinois confided in me
after he had been monitoring me every 3 months told me he thought it was
amazing that I made it through the treatment. He told me had he been the
tending physician he would have given me 2 more chemo treatments just to be
sure. I told him he would have killed me of left me crippled for the rest of my
life. I told him I felt I was done after only 4 treatments but I did six
anyway. There would hell to pay for all of the nerve damage chemo causes. I
discarded his opinion and knew it was time for me to get a better doctor soon.
Since being in LA I have a new Oncologist, a nice
Jewish lady. I had provided her with the permissions she needed to get my full
medical records and she had this information before I saw her for my first
appointment with her. She’s a really nice lady and after giving me a full
examination gave me the good news that I’d gotten use to hearing. I was still
cancer free after almost 3 years and I no longer needed to check in for a
checkup every 3 months. Now I get my checkups every 6 months. She told me that
I looked amazing and was blessed to still be among the living.
As time passed, I began to feel a little “churchy”
about my recovery and began to wonder if there was some other factor besides
Jesus or some other big spirit that helped me make it through my trouble. These thoughts about my recovery would
eventually find their way back to the philosophic question that opened the door
for me to try something like Scientology in the first place. I wanted to know
what I was and where I had come from before my present incarnation. Lawrence
Wright documented in his book a conversation that I had with him before his
book was published. I told Lawrence about a reoccurring experience I would have
that defied conventional explanation. I told Lawrence as an adolescent while
sleeping I would awake to find myself outside of my physical body. Sometimes I
would wake up in a total paralysis unable to make my arms and legs move. Over
time I became less afraid of these experiences, sometimes even looked forward
to it because I was able to control the phenomena as I got older. I had come to
the conclusion with myself only that I was more than a physical body and there
were at least two separate and distinct aspects with being human.
There was the
physical part that everyone seemed to know and understand. Then there was this
spiritual part that religion was supposes to be able to make sense of. I was
raised a Catholic and the answers I had learned about the spirit from
Catholicism was inadequate and not very practical at all. I felt unfulfilled
because I hadn’t discovered a source that could explain to me what was
happening to me and what I could or should do about it.
So on that fateful day in the spring of 1976, I was
visiting Union Square in San Francisco, CA when a young and very attractive red
haired smiling woman approached me and asked “Would you like to know more about
yourself?” It felt like she had read my
mind. I told her maybe, but I wanted to know more about her. That same day, I
started the communications course and we started dating. That’s how it all
started with Scientology for me.
That was a long time ago and a different era. In
these modern times Science seems to have gotten involved with examining this
other spiritual side of the human experience and they call this new science
Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics. I am by no means an expert nor am I
qualified to instruct anyone about these two sciences so please don’t expect
that here. There is a theory in these new sciences that acknowledge
consciousness as something separate from the physical part of our being. It’s
also acknowledged by these same sciences that thoughts can alter our perceived
I read about one study where people decided to
meditate in order to have an effect on the crime rate in Washington, DC. I have
included an article about that here for anyone interested.
Now I said all of that to say that it is a
possibility that I am well today in part because of the concentrated focus and
attention of those on the internet at time of my illness. This is just a
possibility and I don’t discount or disrespect Jesus or any other spirit who
may have also been involved with my recovery, I’m grateful to still be around.
What’s next? I have to finish this writing project
so that I can get on with the rest of my life. I am as convinced as ever there
are people that want to know. What I am writing about is not more of the same
as has been published by others. I am just at the end of writing about the last
four years of L Ron’s life. When I complete this final part than my work will
be done. Since being here in LA, I've had a chance to talk with others who are
also out of the Scientology mindset I've discussed with some about what I am
writing about. Invariably, I end up having a conversation with them about some
things they didn't know about. That is not unusual in Scientology world; the
right hand is not told what the left hand is doing.
I do want to make something perfectly clear here. I
did not come back to LA to start a war with Scientology or any of its associate
organizations. I am not here to organize protest against them either. The
purpose of my writing is not to malign anyone still under the spell of
I am simply writing my memories of the last four
years of L Ron’s life from my prospective. I truly believe, what I have to say
will clear the air of needless misconceptions about that time period. I don’t
have an ax to grind with anyone but still some may not like what I have to say.
My earlier writings on this Blog temporarily upset some people, but they got
over it. I didn't lie or say something that was not true against anyone. I have
a passion to always give the truth a chance no matter how unpopular that may
be. I know that people are not perfect and they never will be. Everyone has
made mistakes somewhere in their lives. My approach to making a mistake;
fucking up or having any other behavior problem, is to admit the problem, and
try not to do whatever it was again. This seems to be the hardest thing for
Scientology leadership to be able to do because that’s how L Ron trained them
to act.
Scientology leadership from L Ron on down the line has
a history of needlessly telling lies in order to deceive at random. That is not
my opinion, it is their legacy. People
like David Miscavige pay huge sums of money to bullies and unethical lawyers to
attach their own members. At least that is what they were doing it when I was
there, and this is just part of what I am writing about. I know this sound odd
but I think people would be attracted to Scientology even if it didn’t lie or
misrepresent to the public what it can do.
I have gone back to look at some of the places where
I use to live when I lived here as a Scientologist. On my way back to LA after visiting
Joshua Tree, CA I drove past Golden Era Productions near Hemet. The place was totally unrecognizable to me.
The entrances and exits on both sides of the street were moved. I looks like
they changed the landscape and you can’t see that ugly ass ship from the road
anymore. The only building recognizable to me was the building that had the spa
and hot springs in it. Of course now it looks so very strange. The windows and
doors are all out of proportion and it looks like the whole building is just a facade. I found out they sold the property know as Happy Valley to the Soboba
Indian tribe awhile ago.
Another time I drove around the big blue complex
they have near Griffin Park. As I drove to the corner of L Ron Hubbard way and
Sunset, I noticed three young men cleaning up leaves and such. What was odd is
they jogged wherever they went, even tiny short distances. I immediately knew
these guys were on the Scientology Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF). I slowed
down and asked one of the men what he had done to be put on the RPF? He looked
at me with a surprised look and his eyes darted to his companion who may have
been the leader of this small group. He then politely called me sir and said I
was mistaken because he was not in the RPF. Of course I knew this was a lie but I didn't hassle him about it. I remarked that he looked like to nice of a
person to be on the RPF, and suggested that maybe he was a staff member of the
Estates Organization. I could see he was wary of me but the easy out excuse I
offered him seemed to calm him. I politely told him to carry on with his day to
which he crisply replied Yes Sir! Maybe someday that young man will be free of
the RPF and he will have an opportunity to enjoy his gift of life and not be
subservient to a dead man if I can help it.
So I just want to thank you people out there for
hanging in there with me on this project. There is no way I could do this by
myself. There are some real Angels out there that have helped me every step of
the way. I push myself daily to do something to get the writing part done, and
then it has to go through the rest of the process to get published.
If you are able to, help me get this project born.
My goal is to have the work in the hands of a Publisher or an Agent before the
end of this year. My email address is you can
help by hitting this help link:
Also, if you know or have contact information for professionals
in the publishing industry please send me an email at the above email address.
For all other communications just use the same email address.
Thank you again, this is the final push. Keep
Respectfully Submitted,
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Going Clear
Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief by Lawrence Wright
Review and Commentary by Jesse Prince
Though difficult to believe I
guess it’s been over two years since I first met Lawrence Wright. The details
are hazy as to how I came to allow myself to be interviewed by him. As per
standard usual, someone I’ve known and worked with in the past will insist that
I talk with this person or that person and that’s usually how it starts. I am
notorious for a few things, not doing interviews or associating myself with news
and entertainment reporters is high on that list. My usual way of handling
reporters who request an interview with me is to refer them to what I’ve
already said or written before and politely disappear. I wasn’t always that way,
not at first. I’ve involved myself with news and entertainment reporters for at
least a decade. The finished report published from these interviews was invariably
the same. The reporters would take my words, my story and convert it into their
story or special interest they wanted to report on.
In the past I’ve interviewed
with reporters who only wanted to talk about celebrities in Scientology or some
recent high profile defector. An interview with Entertainment Tonight comes to
mind. I sat with a reporter for hours talking about Nicole Kidman after Tom
dumped her. Scientology lawyers threatened to sue and the segment was
cancelled. I also interviewed with Der Spiegel in Germany in the late 90’s. I
tried to explain to the reporter how Scientology uses its technology and
policies to manipulate people, politicians, lawyers and judges alike, in an
effort to subvert the system. When I finally read the article that came out I
wondered whom they interviewed, someone had just made up a different story and
published it instead.
Just over two years ago, I
decided to write my own story about my experiences and associations with
Scientology. In this way there would be no interpretations or make nice
alterations of what I have to say.
I was rolling along pretty good,
writing and freely publishing on the Internet via my blog Jesse’s Place the
story I wanted people to know; but then I got very sick and nearly died.
This is the backdrop story of
how and when I met Lawrence Wright. Someone strongly recommended that I read an
article he had written in the New Yorker magazine. I remembered that article;
it was painfully long, 26 pages in fact. There was an unusual quality about the
writer’s presentation that held my full attention even through the pedantic
I agreed to talk with
Lawrence but this time I did something I had not done before. I looked him up
on the Internet and I researched who he was and what were his credentials. My
research on Larry revealed he is a Pulitzer Prize winning Author of The Looming
Tower, a screenwriter, blah, blah, blah. What caught my attention was his involvement
in performing and playing music. I learned that Lawrence was a keyboard player
in a blues band in Austin, Texas. I have always been a deeply committed blues
fan, especially rock style blues. One of my favorite Texas blues musicians is
Johnny Winter whom I’ve listened to since the early 70’s. The other Texas blues
superstar was Stevie Ray Vaughn. Both of these artists admit a major influence
on their music came form the King of Texas style blues, Mr. Albert Collins.
There are other places like Chicago and Memphis that have great blues history.
Each of these great blues centers has a distinct sound that distinguishes it
among its peers. Lawrence’s literary resume was impressive enough but the fact
that he was a Blues man kicked him up a few hundred notches with me so I agreed
to talk with him and eventually we met up in Chicago.
Lawrence informed me he would
be in the Chicago area visiting family and he asked to visit with me. We agreed
I’d meet him at his hotel; I was not ready to bring him home yet.
When I met with Lawrence he
appeared to be somewhat shocked by my appearance. I could tell he was being
polite about it but he was not prepared for what he saw. No picture of me from
the past could have prepared him for what he saw in front of him. I was in the
middle of my chemo treatments and my body was literally breaking down. My Oncologist
explained to me that the bones in my neck and spine were more of the
consistency of a hard cheese as opposed to bone. I could not support the weight
of my upper body without assistance. I
had a metal cage type brace that started at my waistline and extended up my
back and chest to my armpits.
In addition, I had to wear a full neck brace to
support my neck to hold my head up. I had lost over 40 lbs. and all of my hair
everywhere. I had taken to habitually wearing a scarf to cover my baldhead to
stay warm. I have always had thick coarse reddish hair but it was gone. My
clothes were baggy, I had black circles under my eyes; I know I looked like
shit and death was riding my ass real hard. I felt like I existed by my will alone.
I had lost feelings on the
right side of my body and had something called “Drop Foot” were I couldn’t flex
my right foot up or down anymore. The cancer was attacking the nerves in my
spine. To compensate I walked with a cane. So I come staggering in to see
Lawrence with this unforgiving condition wearing plastic and metal apparatus
just to get around, he was cool about it though. He asked me if he could record
and videotape our meeting. In my heart I reluctantly agreed because it seemed
apparent it was a good time to make and leave a record while I could.
I explained to Lawrence that
I was there to help him in any way that I could but I cautioned him that the
story he was engaged in about Scientology was his story. I informed him that I
myself was working on a book to tell my story. I told him I did not want my
story to become his story. In other words I would help him in anyway I could
but he did not have permission to make my story his story.
That was the hard part. After
that, we talked and he disarmed me faster than a drunken high school girl at
the Prom after party. I answered all of
his questions plus some! I also asked him about his band and his interest in
the blues. We talked as two blues aficionados would about the music. All to
soon his time in Chicago was over and we promised to stay in touch, which we
Out of necessity, I went on
to focus on my health and recovery full time. Occasionally over the months and
years, Lawrence would call and ask me questions or he would ask for my opinion,
which I always freely gave to him. I once again had to put my writing project
on the shelf to deal with unexpected complications from my disease and it’s
cure for a time.
Some months ago, Lawrence
called me and left a message saying he had a question for me and asked that I
call him back. It took some weeks for me to call him back, possibly longer.
After we exchanged brief salutations I asked him about his band and if he had
been performing recently. He responded
to my inquiry with a hardy chuckle. He told me about an incident that happened
at a well know club in Austin, TX. The club was raided by the Feds, something
about suspicion of drug trafficking. I’m
not entirely certain on the details but the point being, the judge who granted
the search warrant on the club had a niece that was a fledgling musician that
wanted to perform for the crowd.
Lawrence told me the club had sponsored a talent contest for young
people and this young lady who was the niece of a federal judge was invited on
stage to perform with Larry’s band. I know I ‘m making this sound complicated
put its really not. Larry told me the warrant-issuing judge watched his niece
perform on stage at the club with his band. A short time after, the Feds raided
the club. Fortunately, Larry’s band was not there for all of that confusion.
Now that’s the kind of story two blues aficionado’s could share and find infinitely
We had this conversation some
time in December of 2012. Finally I got around to asking him about his book and
when expected it to be published. He said right after the first of the year in
2013 the book was due to be released. He told me there were some complications
with getting the book released in Canada and the UK, but he was pretty sure the
book would be released after the first of the year 2013. I told him I would look for it for sure. In
closing, he remarked I think you will find a few things in the book that you
didn’t know about. I chuckled and said okay we’ll see. I informed him that I no
longer had to walk around with all the body armor anymore. I told him I didn’t
even walk with a cane and I grew this huge Afro. He got a good laugh from that,
again we promised to stay in touch.
Sometime towards the end of
January, 2013 my brother Ron called and said there was a package for me that
had been delivered to his address in Chicago. At the time I was visiting my
elderly father in Memphis, TN. My father is the real Jesse Prince; I’m Jesse
Prince Jr., a mere copy of the original. Within a matter of days I traveled on
an Amtrak train from Memphis to Champaign, Ill. From there I drove to my
brothers place in Chicago and picked up my complementary copy of Lawrence’s
book, which his publisher graciously provided to me. Lawrence had really piqued
my interest when he said there was information is his book that even I didn’t
The last book I’d read on the subject of Scientology
was titled; Counterfeit Dreams by Jefferson Hawkins. Anything written by a
person who was involved in the inner workings of the Sea Organization and no
longer patronizes dead L Ron is as rare as hen’s teeth or honesty in any
government in the world. I found Jeff’s account brutally honest and humbly
forth coming. Maybe for the first time I better understood Jeff’s commitment to
the application of marketing principles he strongly believed in and the
brilliance of his ritual application of what he believed in. The results he was
able to achieve can only be defined as a modern day, full display of Alchemy or
ritual magic or a miracle. Through execution of ritual steps and his intent, Jeff
was able to navigate Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health back onto
the New York Times Best Sellers list for weeks in a row. How can a long ago
discredited pseudo science by a known Science Fiction writer and Flim Flan man,
the late and very dead L Ron Hubbard be resurrected like that in these modern
times? How do you explain that? Maybe it’s my use of the word ritual that may
throw you off?
I’ve read other books written
about Scientology but this one by Lawrence is different. Because of the shear
amount of people interviewed he was able to add facts and bring clarity to many
issues surrounding the past and recent history of L Ron Hubbard and his new
Starting with the first
chapter The Convert through to the second chapter Source.
The last place to go find out
what is Scientology is a Scientology Organization! I’ve had plenty to say about
L Ron in the past but I never accused him of things I was not personally aware
of. I had never really read or heard anything about L Ron getting too loose
with the ladies until I began to research his history for my writing. The
information I was able to find was minimal or complete lies because the
Scientology public relations machine authored it.
Before I read this book I
thought L Ron was mild when it came to acting out sexually. I had only heard of
one instance of his infatuation with one of his converts, Yvonne Gilliam. Come
to find out, dead L Ron had a voracious appetite for young ladies. I also
didn’t know his last wife who he abandoned; Mary Sue was 20 years younger than
he was!
I had no idea of the constant
physical and mental abuse he inflicted on his multiple wives. The riveting tale
of how Sara was finally able to escape from him with her child Alexis (pg.
75-78) mirrors what others have had to do to escape Scientology, it amounts to
a prison break.
To read how L Ron punched
Sara in the stomach to try and induce an abortion of their daughter Alexis
doesn’t seem to be good conduct for a humanitarian. I also appreciated how
Lawrence took the time to explain why Sara would hang on and try to help Ron through
the abuse. The complexity of human nature is showcased through Lawrence’s
revelations of the complex relationship between L Ron and Sara verses her
maternal instincts. L Ron had issues with personal insecurities, and
abandonment. Sara was a nurse by trade and felt obligated to support L Ron even
though she knew he was insane.
L Ron’s military career has
been written about by others and disputed by corporate Scientology since that
conversation began. In my opinion Lawrence’s account of L Ron’s military record
is completely unbiased and fair. His information about dead L Ron’s military
record far exceeds anything I could find on the Internet. Lawrence’s account
does fill in some gaps though.
I was also impressed by the
way Lawrence chronicled L Ron’s progress and achievements as a writer. Opinions
aside, L Ron was a prolific writer without equal to this day. The usefulness or
validity of what he wrote can be argued and debated but the amount of writings
he produced earned him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records, which
speaks for itself.
As a result of my own
research on the genesis of Scientology, I’d come to the opinion; the premise of
L Ron’s theories for Dianetics and Scientology was primarily derived from the works
of Aleister Crowley, Madam Blavatsky, Albert Pike and Sigmund Freud. L Ron Jr.
commented on his father’s fascination with Crowley; saying he even wanted to be
him (pg.44). I appreciate Lawrence’s candid, unbiased interpretation and
rendering of what he was able to discover about L Ron’s associations and participation
in ritual magic and Lucifer worship. Finally I was shocked to learn about L Ron’s
homosexual liaisons with the late Robert Heinlein. L Ron may have had a guilty
conscious about his sexual activity with a man because he sure tried to put
some distance between himself and gay sex through his strange books Dianetics
and Science of Survival.
The next chapters, “Going
Overboard through The Faith Factory” chronicles the genesis of the Sea
Organization along with its original crew. Lawrence is able to bring insight
and reason into the bizarre behavior of abuse and torture, which became a
right of passage for any successful Sea Organization member. For a person who
was never, and I’m pretty sure will never be a Sea Org member, Lawrence was
able to understand the psychology of the unspeakable within the group; as arequirement to move up the ladder to Hubbard’s crows nest, an individual had to
be willing to be severally abused and be willing to abuse, or tolerate the severe
abuse of another or others. I refer to it as demon and zombie training. Later
on in the book, the current leader of Scientology Miss Cabbage refers to the
end result of this training as “Pie Face.”
I am not one to bite my
tongue so I speak plainly and simply. It’s no secret that I do not like Mike
Rinder and I don’t like hearing about him. That’s how I use to feel about him,
I don’t feel that way anymore. Lawrence was able to disarm Mike and look inside
of his pain and confusion to find a diamond of truth to explain the madness
that is Scientology. The reference to
the “Pie Face” look reminds me of pictures of starving children who’s face lack
any expression, or a child that has been abused and has no facial expression.
It’s the same look of total defeat and hopelessness and it’s the look a person
gets just before death. It’s the face of a human or animal for that matter
who’s will has been overwhelmed and nearly destroyed.
I don’t wish that on anyone
but this is the new “Technology” being created in Scientology by the new master
David Miscavige. If this isn’t Zombie
training than what is?
I liked the way Lawrence told
the story of how Scientology was able to antagonize some IRS officials into
submission thus ending the Department of Justice criminal investigation. It was
at this moment Scientology became too big to fail. Like it or not Scientology
has a pretty impressive record with out smarting law enforcement here in
America. They are able to do this because they hire former FBI and CIA agents
to subvert the system. Scientology also pulls from its ass an impressive list
of Hollywood Celebrities to do its bidding. Scientology has such deep pockets
now it will always be around in some form or another here in America. It’s so
crazy here in America that the law says corporations have rights like people.
How can an individual person ever compete with a billion dollar corporation?
I realize a good percentage of
information about the IRS, John Travolta and Tom Cruise came from Marty Rathbun.
Only he would have the details as provided in this book. I appreciate the fact that Marty decided to
no longer keep all secrets for Tom and the rest.
Starting with the chapter, In
Service to the Stars to the books conclusion; this is the most disturbing part of
Lawrence’s book. Let me start with Tom Cruise. I met Tom at the Gold Base while
he was in the middle of his divorce with Mimi Rodgers. This was when he was in
production with the movie Day’s of Thunder.
When I met Tom he was
genuinely shy, but once he got comfortable with you he was amazingly normal and
playful. He seemed like a big playful kid. I spent hours in the Scientology
Studio (Studio Two) with him listening to sections of his movies. Tom was
unhappy with the sound because you couldn’t understand what he was saying in
certain sections of the movies. Of course, Scientology had the answer; it was
called “Clear Sound.” I’m not going to get into the whole story about that now
but suffice to say Tom was a nice person who was very appreciative of any help
or assistance he got to help him with the problem. He even offered to PAY us
for our time. He would buy food and fruit baskets for the staff because he was
not allowed to pay. He had that million-dollar smile and a trademark infectious
laugh that made him a joy to be around.
Now look! Scientology takes
perfectly good people and transforms them into monsters! The story of Tom’s
transformation and subsequent demon training has changed him completely.
Lawrence painfully chronicles Tom’s moral decent with his goody and vulgar
awards he’s received for being a good bitch dog to David Miscavige.
While earning hundreds of
millions of dollars, Tom now prefers free slave labor to cater to his every
decadent need. The book also details how Tom is so socially inadequate he can’t
even find a girlfriend with out Miscavige arranging him a date. I hate to go
all vernacular on you but how fucking pathetic is that? Oh but Scientology has
convinced Tom he is a communications genius!
Lawrence finally brings some
truth to John Travolta and his gay tendencies. John is also a pathetic bitch
dog to Miscavige. He uses his airplane to facilitate kidnapping staff who try to escape the cult. Both he and Tom are criminals against decency and
humanity. Both are in a position to do great good for their fellow human.
Instead they choose to join the small crowd of insecure people that have to
have their foot on another’s neck. Evil sociopathic tendencies are developed
and magnified in Scientology; Lawrence does a good job detailing how it
Lawrence’s book makes it
painfully clear that Scientology has a death grip on Hollywood and has for a
long time.
Lawrence has done a great
service to humanity by taking up the challenges this book obviously brings. He
put himself in personal danger to bring the information in this book out in the
open and available for those interested in the subject, and we all should be.
Lawrence even provides
information about a United States President, Bill Clinton who was shilling for
this crazy ass cult.
Scientology is all about
deception and lies but there is some truth there. When something walks like a
duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, than it’s probably and duck.
The last revelation L Ron
makes at his death (OT 8) besides being a total failure; he says he is the Satan of
the bible. In his mind dead L Ron’s intent was to be a god and to enslave every
man. At a conference in Hamburg, Germany someone who represented himself as
Anonymous asked a question. The question was; can Scientology be reformed? My
answer; reformed to what? Shit is shit no matter how many flowers or perfume or
nice pictures someone may spray or lay on it. It’s still shit.
Thank you Lawrence for taking
the time to produce this work, it was sorely needed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jesse Prince
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